Saturday, February 7, 2009

This Deserves Its Own Blog


2 months && a day w. gramma!

Yay for today!
My mom took some awesome pictures while i had to work for a little bit! She took colin outside for his first day out on the farm. He met her two baby clydesdales & enjoyed the crisp fresh air.

Here are some adorable pictures of their day together!

scottie & tasha :)
grandpa dave & bunnie boo

tasha lovin on little boo!!!!

fell asleep w. levi after a busy day!
we call him unclebrother
:) haha too weird to call him an uncle quite yet :)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Colin Takes On His Cow =]

I have pretty much had the last 5 day
s off from work...or any other responsibilities. & Colin has been in such a cuddly fun mood, it's been an amazing week. Colin (aka little boo) hasnt wanted to get out of bed until about three in the afternoon! So we Eat/Snuggle & Play A Little/Sleep most ALL day. (doing all without leaving the bed) It has been such an Amazing Bonding Experience.

I wish I could capture photos of our amazing little times but it is so hard to want to go and get the camera when he is being so cute. If I were to get up & then come back and try to take a picture things wouldn't be the same. Soooo you have to deal with the not so cute/forced

pictures that mom and I can capture. =] sorrrry.

He has become such an active & alert baby boy. He is FUN now. He responds to noises/different voices in the room (specially UncleBrother Levi) who is guaranteed a smile every time he walks in the room. Something about his low voice & that silly baseball hat he always wears. He now blows bubbles & is smiling like crazy. He LOVES "sitting up" and if you hold his hands up he will pull himself to sit up & can already hold his neck steady!! He has started a new trick of vibrating his lips and making adorable noises. If you blow softly on his face he does a big GASP and then will smile. =] He also found out he can cough....and will just randomly cough....then wait....and then smile. He thinks he is pretty cute =]

Tonight, he totally acknowledged his little cow that hangs in his crib. I'm pretty sure he was ready to fight him. It was adorable. I captured some pretty cute pictures. I wish I would have videoed it. He was being so vocal & so cute. Enjoy the Pictures & More to come soon.

Friday, December 5, 2008

December 1st 2008

Wow. This past week has been something I never thought I would experience. And I haven't been so happy/enthralled/alive for a long time. Monday morning, I knew something was going on. I had killer killer killer pains, that lasted for mmm about 25 seconds and then would go away. Mom had given me all of the warning signs of contractions...and I had a feeling this was it. I made it upstairs, and got to mom, and started crying. (you know how when you talk to someone about something that is bothering you, you tend to break down.) So, mom got outa the shower, and told me to put a bag together of things I would need if I ended up staying at the hospital right now. She also said these could be pre-labor contractions...and that they might send me home.

Home?! No way. These pains were legit. We got over to Pullman Regional around 8:30 am, and i was checked in. A few minutes later, holy moly, the nurse told me I was already dialated at a 2! This was good news, considering mom had to be induced with all four of us.

So, the pain got worse, and they put me in one of those HUGE hot tub/bathtubs with the jets, to help ease the pain. I honestly laid in it for over 2 hours. It was a huge help! Ladies I would recommend hoppin in that tub! So I got out, and the pain was worse than before, but I was dialating even more. The nurse got me on some morphine & david bought me a Teddy Bear from the giftshop, because he knew I left mine at home, and I sleep with it every night. But with drugs and a special bear I got through the afternoon.

Actually, I dont remember ANYTHING from about 12:00 noon, til around 5:30.

So...I remember Melissa coming to visit, and then around 7:00 they said I was dialating to around a 8 1/2, and they couldnt give me any more morphine because it has to be out of my system before the baby can come out. So...the morphine ran out...and I woke up out of my daze...and the contractions were BADDD. So now it was decision making time....Continue on like this.....or Epidural.....Feel like I am going to die.....or Feel Nothing...Tough Choice.

//not. I went for the "killer huge shot" which made everything go away....the nurse says .."you just had a contraction....." I said..."oh yea? Well I didn't feel it."

I started pushing around 9:00 pm. I was nervous and scared, and felt all "out there and open for everyone to see." But I quickly got over it as Doctor Richards started giving me orders. I cried, I screamed, worst part..I even threw up! But in the end, when that little baby was out.....and was settled on my chest for the first time, it is a feeling that I cannot ever begin to explain. ... He was out, totally healthy, totally adorable, totally a little scrunch face, at 10:54 PM.